
Designing the Ultimate Goal Setting Journey Driven by Motivation.

Designing the Ultimate Goal Setting Journey Driven by Motivation.

Join me on the creation of Goaly, an app designed to educate users on the Impact and value of SMART goals.






Individual Designer, Researcher

4 Weeks

About Me

As a tribute of my commitment to self growth, I undertook a project that introduces users of productivity apps with a resource that educates and strengthens their commitment to achieving personal and professional SMART goals. (SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.)


The goal with Goaly.

Goaly was designed to transform goal setting into a vibrant and fulfilling experience. Sense the empowerment as you shape your life objectives and encounter motivational cues to keep you inspired. Beyond being just a app, Goaly serves as a tool for connecting with like minded individuals and committing to self-improvement.


Consistently practicing time management proved to be a tremendous help.

Recognizing the need to balance a demanding 9-5 gig with my project, I understood the significance of setting a realistic timeline. With the inclusion of some late nights, I committed four weeks to research, conceptualization, and preparation of final designs and prototypes. This straightforward schedule allowed me to stay focused & ensured a steady workflow without feeling overwhelmed.


SMART goals are undervalued

About 240 million goals are set every year worldwide, and only 3% of the world's population is taking part. If that wasn't surprising enough, approximately only 8% of these goals are successfully achieved. This fact intrigued me, as I personally understand the importance of having SMART goals and how convenient it is to simply download an app for assistance. So, why? This is why-

  • Lack of motivation or a connection between the apps and goals or personal values can make it difficult for individuals to stay committed and engaged.

  • Goal-setting can be challenging without a support system. Apps that lack features for collaboration, encouragement, or guidance may not effectively

    assist users.

  • Some apps lack metrics or a simple criteria for success. Without this individuals may struggle to evaluate if they are making progress.

  • The absence of adequate planning can make goal-setting confusing. Goals need to be broken down into smaller, manageable tasks with clear action plans to achieve success.

About 240 million goals are set every year worldwide, and only 3% of the world's population set them. If that wasn't surprising enough, approximately only 8% of these goals are successfully achieved. This fact intrigued me, as I personally understand the importance of having SMART goals and how convenient it is to simply download an app for assistance. So, why? This is why-

  • Lack of motivation or a connection between the apps and goals or personal values can make it difficult for individuals to stay committed and engaged.

  • Lack of Support: Goal-setting can be challenging without a support system. Apps that lack features for collaboration, encouragement, or

    guidance may not effectively assist users.

  • Some apps lack metrics or a simple criteria for success. Without this individuals may struggle to evaluate if they are making progress.

  • The absence of adequate planning can make goal-setting confusing. Goals need to be broken down into smaller, manageable tasks with clear action plans to achieve success.

About 240 million goals are set every year worldwide, and only 3% of the world's population set them. If that wasn't surprising enough, approximately only 8% of these goals are successfully achieved. This fact intrigued me, as I personally understand the importance of having SMART goals and how convenient it is to simply download an app for assistance. So, why? This is why-

  • Lack of motivation or a connection between the apps and goals or personal values can make it difficult for individuals to stay committed and engaged.

  • Lack of Support: Goal-setting can be challenging without a support system. Apps that lack features for collaboration, encouragement, or guidance may not effectively assist users.

  • Some apps lack metrics or a simple criteria for success. Without this individuals may struggle to evaluate if they are making progress.

  • The absence of adequate planning can make goal-setting confusing. Goals need to be broken down into smaller, manageable tasks with clear action plans to achieve success.

Design Process







I gathered information from the most popular apps in the productivity space that effectively target the same audience. Following that, I conducted a SWOT analysis to obtain general insights and identify potential patterns.

In order to determine if other users shared similar concerns about setting goals, I created a list of questions to better understand the relationship with their aspirations and how they would go about them. I narrowed it down to 10 questions that I thought would give me the most insight into the problem space, and conducted 45-minute interviews with 6 interviewees.

I gathered information from the most popular apps in the productivity space that effectively target the same audience. Following that, I conducted a SWOT analysis to obtain general insights and identify potential patterns.

In order to determine if other users shared similar concerns about setting goals, I created a list of questions to better understand the relationship with their aspirations and how they would go about them. I narrowed it down to 10 questions that I thought would give me the most insight into the problem space, and conducted 45-minute interviews with 6 interviewees.







Utilizing affinity mapping, i sorted and grouped the interview notes in order to identify shared commonalities. From there, I continued on to the development of user stories, scenarios, and user flows.

Utilizing affinity mapping, i sorted and grouped the interview notes in order to identify shared commonalities. From there, I continued on to the development of user stories, scenarios, and user flows.


Final Designs & Prototype

Final Designs & Prototype

Final Designs & Prototype

After shaping the user flows, i trasnlated them into into detailed wireframes and then a working prototype ready for user testing.

After shaping the user flows, i trasnlated them into into detailed wireframes and then a working prototype ready for user testing.

Important Metrics

I wanted to focus on improving two key metrics.

  • Reduce the time required to accomplish a goal: I aimed to reduce the time it takes for a user to fully comprehend the necessary steps to achieve a goal and subsequently complete the goal.

  • Increasing the number of completed goals: Another focal point was to increase the completion rate of goals.




SWOT Analysis

Many competitors overlook the fact that not everyone can pay to play and limit usability.

Throughout this process, it became clear that while there is no shortage of goal-tracking apps, there is substantial room for improvement. My analysis of four leading apps in the goal-setting space highlighted limitations in their free plans and too many confusing, unnecessary features . This can discourage users from continuing to use the app they initially turned to for assistance, hindering them from experiencing the rewarding outcomes of achieving a goal.

User Interviews

My interviewees all agreed that ways to collaborate with individuals will encourage their follow through when pursuing goals.

After identifying the ideal target group, individuals aged 18-55 of both genders. I went ahead and conducted six user interviews, discussing their daily routines and aspirations. Following that, i organized the information i gathered through affinity mapping.

Main Insight

Most of my interviewees who used these apps, started to perceive themselves as incapable of achieving their goals.

Users of these apps often experience confusion due to limitations in essential features, while the absence of guidance contributes to a decline in motivation. This situation leads users to perceive themselves as incapable of achieving their goals.




Final Low-Fidelity Wireframes

  1. Guidance & Collaboration

This feature aims to facilitate collaboration and provide a more personalized approach to achieving goals.


Achieving goals can be tough without a support system or proper guidance. Apps lacking collaboration features may not effectively support users.


Meet "Rooms”, this feature resembles group messaging but with a different approach. Goaly extracts keywords from your goal titles and descriptions to recommend only those rooms aligned with your current goals. These rooms serve as valuable spaces for obtaining advice, tips, and creating meaningful connections with individuals who share similar aspirations.

II. Drive & Motivation

Enhancing user motivation and connection within the platform was the focus here.


Lack of motivation or a connection between the apps and goals or personal values can make it difficult for users to stay committed and engaged.


Users have the ability to earn achievements and track statistics, such as goal streaks and the countries where goals were achieved. Additionally, personalized motivational cues linked to the user's to-do list, goals, and journal entries are displayed in different ways all in order to boost motivation and engagement.

IV. Current Designs

You can experience the prototype Here.


Given my passion for self-improvement and motivation, the process of designing the ideal productivity app was not only satisfying but also allowed me to address lingering questions from the research phase.

While Goaly has made significant progress, there is a considerable amount of work to do. I wish I had more time to gather qualitative insights and refine my designs through the eyes of the user. 

What's Next?

With the progression of Goaly, I plan to handle important aspects of the app that would have been accomplished given more time.

  • Smart Goal Planning with AI: Users will be able to enter their primary goal during onboarding and Goaly will recommend micro-goals, designed to set users on a structured path towards achieving their main objective.

  • Optimized Accessibility: Our focus is on optimizing the user interface to ensure accessibility for users with disabilities and special needs.

  • More Usability testing.

The End.

Work related or not, do email me at design@anferneeulloasportfolio.com

By Anfernee Ulloa.

By Anfernee Ulloa.

By Anfernee Ulloa.